
Module 5 - Multifactorial influences on bee colonies


Dr. W. von der Ohe, Celle


  1. First trial period 2011: intense examining and sampling of groups of bee colonies under conditions of realistic apicultural practice at 3 different locations.

    • Collecting GIS data.
    • Development of a specialised data information system (FIS).
    • Samples generated for other modules.

  1. Analysis of samples and interpretation of the first trial period. Further development of the FIS.

  2. Realisation of the second trial period, possibly modified and manipulated in several aspects (worse case).

  3. Analysis of samples and interpretation of the second trial period. Further development of the FIS.

  4. Realisation of the third trial period.

  5. Analysis of samples and interpretation of the third trial period. Establishment of the FIS.

  6. Final review and correlation with the data of the other modules.